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We have Hungarian vizslas puppies!

We expect dachshund puppies !!


We are waiting miniature dachshund puppies

IMG 4724 Ultrasound confirmed the pregnancy of our Ornella. We saw several puppies. The puppies would be born around 10th December. We take reservation for the puppies from this interesting clitter. More info here. In the photo is already visible belly - 35.den pregnancy.


Puppies are 13 days

IMG 4735 Puppies have 13 days of life today. Mom is more than exemplary and cares for them well. All well and grow their weight now is around a 1 kilo . The largest is the yellow dog. There were also the first worming and trimming nails. All puppies have their new owners and selected names. The selection of specific puppies will be run at least 4 weeks. The puppies already starting to squint into the world. First opened eyes red boy, right behind him yellow one and this morning white boy and pink female. Slowly receive first visit in puppies. New photos here.


New pictures of puppies

IMG 2599 Photogalery of vizslas litter E you can see here.  One male is still free.


International dog show Praha

229824 522584191104653 1978431572 n sathurday:
Benny Vives Bohemia - exc.3
Cash Vives Bohemia - exc.4
Dollar Vives Bohemia - exc.3
Deborah Vives Bohemia - exc.2
Benny Vives Bohemia - exc.1, CAC
Deborah Vives Bohemmia - exc.2
Bellot Vives Bohemia - exc.1, CAC
Cedrus Vives Bohemia - very good 3

Progeny of our stud vizslas dog:
of Or Kajan z Baštin
Bonifác Bertoni Prague - exc.1, CAJC
Babetta Bertoni Prague - exc.1, CAJC, JBOB
Bernard Ariadnina nit - exc.3
Bert Bertoni Prague - exc.1, CAJC
Babetta Bertoni Prague - exc.1, CAJC, JBOB, JBIG3
Bernard Ariadnina nit - exc.1, CAC, Res. CACIB

of Algeron Laváre Morávia
Ego z Nehvizd - very good 4
Aladár Danitty - exc.4



DSC04399 Our vizsla Prima today brought into the world six puppies . Five males and one female . The birth were without complications, and litter "E " is a very nice , well-balanced , with no white markings. All are pretty  - birth weights between 490 and 590 grams ! We have a one free dog from this attractive combination . For more information, please contact us!

More photos coming soon .




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