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Offer DVD from 75.ročníku Memorial Karla Podhajského



Nord Jokran - winner of autmn test

IMG 0247

Autmn (field) test

Nord Jokran - 295pt., I.award, winner!

Deborah Vives Bohemia - 267b., nose 4, stud bitch


We plan Hungarian shorthaired vizslas puppies

IMG 2864

Our vizsla Ambra z Královských vinic about two months delay finally decided heatinft and we decided to mate her.

As a stud dog we chose our progeny with foreign pedigree, great inborn talent, extereir nice and sweet spirited nature Yankee (Benny Vives Bohemia). Blood type and the Ambra fit we hope to bring out litter study in character and excellent vizslas. Mating should be done in the coming days and whether the end of December we will see the puppies. More info here. Possibility of reservation puppies from this litter.




Regional dog show Džbán


 Bax Vives Bohemia - exellent, winner of class, regional winner, best in show!


Abillity test

DSC 9244

Tuto neděli jsme se s kraťasem Nordem Jokranem zúčastnili zkoušek vloh pořádaných naším "domácím" OMSem Kladno.

Nord Jokran -  I.award, 218b. nose 4, 3rd place

Bria Vives Bohemia - I.award

Cash Vives Bohemia - I.award





International dog show České Budějovice



GSP Nord Jokran: excellent 1, CAC, CACIB!



The success of our progeny in Poland

1209285 569281356458584 1477018653 n siblings Dollar a Deborah Vives Bohemia. The both - excellent 1, CWC, CACIB.


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