Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)


Mating Benny Vives Bohemia and Britney Lovely Face

10 More info here.



 1622743 617833658290193 8846850 n


Dobroslav Vives Bohemia - exc

Cuba z Tišnovských revírů - very good 3

Enzo F. Vives Bohemia - very good 2

our stud dogs progeny:

Bert Bertoni Prague - very good 3

Bella Bertoni Prague - exc

Babetta Bertoni Prague - very good

Bona z Králova dvora - exc

Carmen z Kulivé hory - exc 1, CAJC


Dobroslav Vives Bohemia - exc 1 , CAJC

Cuba z Tišnovských revírů - exc 1, CAC, She is Champion of CZ!

Bardotte Bertoni Prague - exc 2, Res. CAC

Dixie z Héku - very good 3

Enzo F. Vives Bohemia - exc 1, CAC

Our stud dogs progeny:

Bert Bertoni Prague - exc 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB!

Babetta Bertoni Prague - exc 1, CAC

Bella Bertoni Prague - exc 2, Res. CAC

Bona z Králova dvora - exc 3



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